When traveling on tours, your money, Credit or Debit cards, passport and other valuables are very important, so make sure you keep these things in a bag or pouch at all times while in transit. It is advisable not to carry anything valuable in a purse which can be easily snatched or a backpack which can be opened without you noticing. There are so many ways to safeguard your money when traveling. below are the few tips.
Use Money Pouch
It is recommended you use a money pouch that can be worn around your neck, waist or attached to your belt or concealed under your clothing especially if you are sleeping on a train, standing on a crowded subway or staying in a hotel that is not very secure.
Don’t Put Your Valuables In The Same Place
Try not to carry all your valuables in the same place. If you are traveling alone, keep a backup credit or debit card and cash in a separate pouch from the one you will be using often. But if you are traveling with a companion, ensure each of you has some cash and a credit card at hand in case you split up or one of you is robbed.
Using Hotel Safe
Hotel safes are not particularly difficult to break into and also many hotels do not accept liability for the loss of any items you put into them. So it is not advisable to leave all your valuables and other documents in hotel safes.
At The ATM
Your ATM card should be guarded carefully since it’s directly linked to your savings account. When entering your PIN number, ensure no one waiting behind you can see it. It is also advisable to lock your car doors when using a drive-through ATM. Beware of your surroundings and avoid using ATM in hidden areas.
Don’t count your cash or go through your personal items while standing at the ATM. If you lose your ATM card, contact the Financial Institution that issued it immediately.