Air Peace Abuja To Makurdi Flights: Price & Time

Air Peace Abuja To Makurdi Flights: Price & Time

Air Peace Abuja to Makurdi flights price and time is now available for sale. Peace will operate 3 times weekly flights from Nnamdi Azikiwe International Airport, Abuja to Makurdi, Benue State Airport. Air Peace has also started Lagos to Makurdi, Benue state flights. The Flight from Abuja and Lagos will go a long way to open…

Air Peace Lagos To Makurdi, Benue Flight Prices

Air Peace Lagos To Makurdi, Benue Flight Prices

Air Peace Lagos to Makurdi, Benue flight prices are back as the airline resumes operation. According to the Air Peace announcement, there will be flights on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays every week from Lagos to the food basket of the nation’s airport. Air Peace Lagos To Makurdi, Benue Airport Price/Cost There is no current price…


Air Peace Suspends Flights To Makurdi Airport, Benue State

The leading airline in Nigeria, Air Peace has suspended its flights to Makurdi Airport, Benue state. The suspension come less than 3 months after the airline commenced the flights to Makurdi, Benue State. Recall that on December 7, 2020, Air Peace announced that they have started flights to Makurdi from Lagos and Abuja.  The airline…

Air Peace To Resume Flight To Makurdi From Lagos And Abuja

The leading Airline in Nigeria, Air Peace is at it again as the seal an agreement with the Benue state government to operate a flight from Nnamdi Azikiwe International Airport, Abuja and Murtala Muhammed International Airport, Lagos to Makurdi, Benue State on Thursday in Abuja. The flight to Makurdi from Nnamdi Azikiwe International Airport, Abuja…