I was aboard Dana Air flight from Abuja to Lagos one day and the captain announced that the flight from Abuja to Lagos will only last for 50 minutes and I quickly checked my boarding pass and I saw 1hr 10 minutes. I was wondering if the pilot was high or just ordinary mistake because the time did not correspond.
SageTravels your travel partner did some research and found out that the reason why the airlines’ flight time shared is different from how long a fight lasts in the air.
From our research, we found out that airlines do what is called “Schedule Padding” that is overstating how long a flight will last even when there is a delay, passengers will still arrive on time. Some airlines according to AirTran Airways pilot, adjust their arrival time just to have a better On-Time-Arrival record (OTA).
British Airways Spokesperson said, “We regularly review our flight plans and timings to ensure that we can meet our published departure and arrival times and customers can plan their journeys accordingly.” “The weather, type of aircraft, air traffic control restrictions, airport infrastructure and geopolitical considerations will all play a part in the decisions we make about whether to increase or decrease each route’s published flight time in our schedule.”
I know some passengers do not care to check the arrival time. Some passengers react only when there is a delay or cancellation. It is very important to stay abreast in the aviation industry.