Travelling to London, UK or Toronto, Canada is way cheaper or less expensive than you thought. We have a list of airlines that have flights from Nigeria to either London or Canada. Most of these airlines have flight deals for passengers travelling from Nigeria.
Below are the airlines that have flight deals for passengers from Nigeria.
Lagos – London, UK Flight Deals
Rwanda Air: The Rwanda Airline has a flight deal for passengers travelling from Lagos, Nigeria to London. The cost of a return economy class ticket starts from ₦326,086 for one passenger.
Abuja – London Flight Deals
Air France: Travelling from Abuja to London is cheaper compared to Lagos to London. One of the premium airlines, Air France has a flight deal for passengers travelling from Abuja to London. The cost of a return economy class ticket starts from ₦289,235.
Lagos, Nigeria – Toronto, Canada Flight Deals
Delta Airlines: The United States-based airline, Delta Airlines has a flight deal for passengers travelling from Nigeria to Toronto. The cost of a return economy class ticket starts from ₦408,271
Abuja, Nigeria – Toronto, Canada Flight Deals
Delta Airlines: Delta Airlines also has a deal for passengers travelling from Abuja, Nigeria to Toronto, Canada. The cost of a return economy class ticket starts from ₦384,875
Note: The cost of the flight tickets listed above is subject to change anytime without prior notice from any of the airlines. You can contact us to check the current price of the ticket using your travel date.
The cost of the ticket can also change depending on the date you chose or the seat availability.
We are available to help you with Flight Bookings and the Visa process. Feel free to contact us – at 08135146188 or 08167650848 (Call or WhatsApp). We are available 24/7
How To Book Flight Deals Online
Booking flight deal is easy and simple. All you need to do is to click on the link here and complete your booking.
You can also use a reliable and trusted travel agency like us (Sage Travels) to complete your flight booking.
Visa Requirements
You will need a visa to travel to any of the countries listed above. If you don’t have a visa, you will not be allowed to enter London or Canada. We can assist you with the United Kingdom and Canada Tourist visa process.
Covid-19 Requirements
Check any of the countries you want to travel to for Covid-19 requirements before your travel date. Some countries require passengers to present a 48 or 72 hours Covid-19 PCR test Certificate. We have the best lab for the covid-19 test in Nigeria. You can contact us for assistance.