If you’re looking for a cheap and affordable flight from Akanu Ibiam International Airport, Enugu to Mutala Muhammed International Airport, Lagos or from Lagos Airport to Enugu Airport, search no more. All your looking for is here. From cheap flight to the number of airlines operating Lagos to Enugu.
How much is a flight from Enugu To Lagos?
We know this is what you are looking for but we cannot tell you the exact price of a ticket from Lagos Airport to Enugu Airport or from Enugu to Lagos but we can give you a price range. I believe the price range will guide you on when to book a flight.
The cheapest economy flight from Lagos to Enugu is NGN 22,945 while Enugu to Lagos is 22,745. A return economy ticket will cost you NGN 45,690. This is just the least and the cheapest you can get.
This is available if you book ahead. The same economy class can go as high as 40,000 for one-way. Some airline has business and economy class ticket.
We suggest you book as soon as you get something cheaper and affordable for you.
How to Book a Flight from Lagos to Enugu?
If you’re looking for how to book the flight, you’re in the right place. We are here to take away the stress. You can book online via the airlines’ website or contact us to Book for you.
We are available to help you with Flight Bookings and a Flight Change. Feel free to contact us – 08135146188 or 08167650848 (Call or WhatsApp). We are available 24/7
The airlines operating flights from Enugu to Lagos
It’s always good to know the airlines that operate a particular destination so that you will know which one to use.
Initially, two Airlines were operating from Enugu to Lagos. Now three airlines are operating from Enugu to Lagos. The airlines are
How Many Flights from Lagos to Enugu in a Week
There is a flight from Lagos to Enugu from Sunday to Saturday. That is to say every day, there is a flight arriving or departing Enugu Airport.
Air Peace has 2 flights between the two cities. Dana has one flight and United Nigeria Airline also has one flight daily to and from Lagos.
How Long Does it take to fly from Enugu to Lagos?
Except if there is a flight delay, a flight from Enugu to Lagos is just one hour (1hr 0m).