Since the creation of man, man has been traveling from one place to another in search of food, knowledge, business, meeting new people and other purposes. Traveling is the best education possible, that is to say, the more you travel the more you get enlightened and learn new things. Traveling to ecotourism destinations will help to reconnect you back to nature. The Earth is filled with infinite experiences, wonders, and once-in-a-lifetime opportunities.
Tour can either be a solo or group tour. The solo tour is when one person embarks on a trip whereas group tour is when two or more people embark on a tour. Group tour may be with school mates, friends and family etc. Going on a family tour helps to create a stronger bond within a family.
Going for a family trip goes beyond pack your baggage, booking hotels and booking flight tickets. There are some vital things that need to be put in place when you are planning a family getaway. Sagetravels your one stop Travel shop will be sharing some indispensable tips that will assist you when you are planning a family getaway.

Pack Wisely
The truth is this, the way you pack matters. If you pack wrongly it will have a huge impact on your trip and you will pay for excess baggage but when you pack wisely you will have a stress-free trip. It is advisable for you to study your destination weather condition so that you will know the kind of clothes you will carry. There is no need going to a destination with cool climate with light cotton clothes, you should go with a sweater or going to a destination with sweater whereas you suppose to go with light cotton clothes. It is not advisable for you to carry a heavy baggage when you are going to a hilly destination.
He who would travel happily must travel light – Antoine de Saint-Exupery. Nevertheless, it is important to learn the art of packing right.
Travel Documents
Travel documents include visa, Passport, and other related documents. All the necessary travel documents should be properly handled. Without the travel documents, you may not be able to travel. Therefore, it is important for you to organize your travel documents. Make sure they are signed and stamped by the authorized or appropriate organization.
Take Your Food and Other Necessities
You can cook your own food that you and your family members will eat as you are traveling. This will help to reduce the cost of unnecessary spending. If a child is traveling with you don’t forget to take the baby’s food and water. But if you are in a situation where you cannot cook, you can buy snakes or any other convenience food. Apart from the food item, it is also good to travel with some basic necessities like creams, battery, power bank, umbrella and small first aid kit in case of emergency.

Book holiday apartments
It is always good to opt for a holiday apartment rather than booking a hotel since these apartments are affordable and easily available. There are many options to choose from, you can book a one bedroom, 2 bedrooms, 3 bedrooms or studio apartment as per your requirements and preferences.
These apartments are fully furnished and also offer laundry and other basic services, which are also included in your rent. At the fully furnished kitchen, you can also cook your food dinner and lunch. Since this is a family tour holiday apartments tend to be more comfortable and affordable – no need to eat out every night / pay for expensive hotel breakfasts.
Take Cash and ATM Card, Credit Card
Do not forget to take your ATM card and credit card with you. Also, take some cash with you; your destination may not have ATM counter. So in order not to be stranded it is always good to travel with cash to settle some bills and expenses.