In my previous articles, I have always an emphasis on the need and benefits of buying airline ticket early because that is the best time to get the best deal and the cheapest price. But sometimes one or two things may delay you and you may not be able to book that flight very early and this means you are going to pay higher. A client called one day and he said he needs to travel that same day with a particular airline, unfortunately, the airline has already departed. He asked for an alternative, fortunately, one was available but the price was relatively high I mean twice (double) the normal price.
On the other hand, buying early may be higher than buying a ticket at the last minute. This is because some airlines may want to fill the remaining vacant seats on the plane before departure time. In other to fill the plane, what they do is to reduce the fares (mark down) to attract customers. Though, it is dangerous to wait until the last minute to buy a ticket. It’s not always advisable but worth it when you get it.
There are so many methods/means of getting this last minute tickets and that is what your number 1 travel partner will be revealing now.
Check Last Minute Travel Websites
The internet has made it so easy now to get last minute deal (Tickets). There are many websites on the internet, all they do is to collect all last minute tickets and display it on their website where they clients can search for last minutes airline tickets. Some of the notable and popular last minute websites are Cheaptickets, Airfarewatchdog etc.
Compare Prices
After checking these websites Cheaptickets, Airfarewatchdog Expedia you can compare the prices to get the best of the best. As I noted earlier, in the beginning, some of the airlines that want to fill their plane before departing will release their last minute seats to these last minute travel websites so that they can be able to sell it. Apart from the tickets, you can also book hotel accommodation from the same website.
Consult Travel Agent
Travel agents are always there for you anytime and any day. You can consult any of them to help you get the best last minute tickets. (I am a travel agent I can assist you). One of the reasons why you should consult a travel agency is because they have the experience and capable of getting the best deal for you.
Buy from airline
You can as well contact the airline directly to get the last minute deal from them. All the airlines have customers care phone number or email address. You can reach them through any of the means to get the deal. After getting the last minute deal you can compare the price from the one you have maybe the one you got from the above websites and travel agency.
Buy at the airport
I think buying from the airport is the best place to buy last minute deal. You can just enter the airport, walk to the receptionist of the airline you intend to travel with. You might be lucky to get last minute tickets available. I would advise you to do this when the need arises; for example, if you’re traveling the same day, don’t take an unnecessary risk you cannot bear. For instance, getting to the airport hoping to buy last minute ticket, unfortunately, none is available.
Always make your trip flexible. You can save money by using an alternative airport, exercise patience and wait little longer for connecting flight, take an early morning or mid night flight and also avoid the weekend trip. All these can save your money.