A dark tall young woman met me where I was standing and she said, please I would like you to help me lap one of my children. I wanted to ask her why? But when I looked at her luggage and her children I was short of words. Her bags were not properly arranged, she didn’t even comb her hair very well. From my observations, she did not prepare for the trip. I guess she doesn’t know the 8 Sure Ways To Enjoy Smooth And Stress-Free Travel In Nigeria.
Travelling generally can be stressful especially when you are travelling by road in Nigeria. I have experienced a stressful journey in Nigeria. I almost missed my bus one day; it was a bad experience though.
There are 8 things you can do that will guarantee you smooth and stress-free travel in Nigeria
You Need To Do A Research
Have you seen a headless chicken before? Did you notice how it used to run around? That’s how some travellers run when they travel. When you are travelling to a new destination or a city that you are not familiar with, the best thing to do is to research. I do it and it is working for me. I like getting information about my destination before travelling. Research on lots of things like; where to stay, Where to eat, and what to do, you can also Google the crime rate of the destination.

Plan Your Itinerary
The day I travelled to Lagos for the first time, I was looking confused and tired. I didn’t know what to do, where to go and so many other things. also, I had no itinerary. I assumed that I will arrive early and then find my way but unfortunately, I arrived late. During the course of your research, plan your itinerary at the same time. Before you travel, make sure you settle on where you are going to stay, how to eat, list all the tourist attractions you will visit and the activities you will engage.
Pack At The Right Time (Also Pack Light)
Many are guilty of this. I have seen one person carrying more than 4 bags and sometimes I wonder what is inside the bags. C’mon, you don’t need to inconvenience yourself when travelling. Try to pack your luggage very well. If possible put everything in one bag. Pack light and enjoy your trip.
Another thing is when to pack. You don’t need to wait till the day you will travel before you pack. Some people are fond of it. The implication is this when you rush to pack, you may forget something. Pack at least 3 days before your departure date. All you have to do a night before departure is to cross check your list to make sure everything is intact.

You Need Quality Sleep
Sleep is a nature call, it is indispensable. No matter where you are travelling to, you need to give yourself quality rest before you travel. It is embarrassing and dangerous to sleep in a bus. How would you feel if someone is sleeping over your shoulder in a bus? Quality sleep is very vital and it is a major key to stress-free travel.
Arrive Early
One of the 8 sure ways to enjoy smooth and stress-free travel in Nigeria is an early arrival. Arriving early has its own advantages. One of the things that can make a journey stressful is when you realize that you are almost or already late. Main causes of late arrival are inadequate preparation and not having enough resting time. Arriving early will help you settle fast. If you are going to Lagos where the traffic is terrible, you have to leave your home early.

Travel With Your Food
If you are the type that doesn’t like eating outside, the best thing do is to travel with your own food and water. Hunger and thirst can make one uncomfortable. Stay hydrated.
Get All Your Gadgets Ready
I noticed one thing before my friend will travel, she will make sure there is kerosene on her stove. When I asked her why she does that, she told me, she is just taking Proactive action against any unforeseen contingencies the day she will return. Be like my friend. Make sure you charge all your gadgets (phones, laptop, Bluetooth, and other rechargeable devices) before travelling. You may need power bank; it will serve as a backup. If you have travelled with a flat battery before, you will understand the importance of charging before travelling.

When You Arrive
Keep calm, don’t rush
As soon as you arrive at your destination, keep calm and don’t rush. Look at your itinerary to know the next step to take. Travelling is fun; don’t make it uncomfortable for yourself.
One prayer every traveller prays is to arrive safely. Travelling can be fun and stressful everything depends on how you want it. Apply the above 8 sure ways on to enjoy smooth and stress-free travel in Nigeria on your next trip.
How do you enjoy stress-free travel? I would love to learn from you.
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